Because apparently we can't have a website anymore without a blog
The blah-blah-blog
Actually, I post a lot of information related to climate change almost daily elsewhere.
But, as time permits, I'm going to put the esoterica I encounter related to climate change
here rather than trying to update the various pages. So this will be reverse chronological rather
than logically organized within the structure of the rest of this website. Please don't
rely on this as a consistent and current source for climate change information updates.
I update this site on my own time, and making a living has to take priority.
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
2019.06.24 - [dead link:]
Fire-weary Western Canadians are picking up stakes and moving on (National Observer)
2019.06.21 - [dead link:]
Flesh-eating bacteria may be moving north in warming oceans (Weather Network)
The headline should have read: Scheer Nonsense: the Conservative Climate Change Un-plan.
Instead of hiding behind U.S.-driven inaction on climate change internationally, Canada should be proposing to be a leader.
Instead of promoting 'greentech' which is based on increasing production of fossil fuels (LNG and CCS for coal-burning),
the Conservatives should be promoting free-market approaches to reducing GHG emissions in Canada, not picking favourites
from their friends in the fossil fuels sector.
Instead of looking for alleged export markets for more fossil fuel gadgets, they should have been promoting domestic
markets for Canadian cleantech companies which are already world leaders in spite of decades of active blocking them by
the past Conservative and the current Liberal governments.
Instead of carping at the Liberal 'carbon tax' and deliberately misleading Canadians (it's not a tax, it's a feebate program),
and delusionally stating their carbon tax on big emitters won't result in costs being passed onto consumers, they should
have provided credible numbers on how much more this approach will cost Canadians than the current Liberal program.
Instead of serving up menu items from the fossil fuel industry buffet, they should have stood up for free-market based
approaches to reducing GHG emissions in Canada.
Instead of blathering about the Paris Agreement targets, they should simply have said they will meet them. Sadly,
they are careful not to make that commitment.
Instead of seeing plastic waste as suitable only for incineration, creating more greenhouse gas emissions, they should
have been talking about innovative Canadian technologies to capture, re-use and recycle plastic waste, or better still,
avoid plastic waste through intelligent design.
Instead of spending much of their document slagging the current government, they should have been providing a solid
timetable with annual goals on GHG emissions reductions, and consequences for those who do not meet their targets.
A PLAN has a start point, an end point and specific actions with a schedule on how to get to start to end. This
document is none of that. A PLAN doesn't rely on magic like the invention of technologies which don't exist today
in order to have any chance of success. If a federal political party doesn't know what a plan is, are they really
fit to govern?
And can we get over this national sense of entitlement that we should not have to pay for climate change mitigation
action? That somehow it's important that Canadians don't want to pay a tax to address climate change? Let's start
with the list of taxes that Canadian like to pay. OK, done. Zero items on that list. Now, let's put on our big-boy
pants and try acting like adults for a minute or two.
You can find the "plan" here.
60 pages, but it doesn't take long to read - lot's of pictures and light on facts. And by page 19 they have already
lost the thread on climate change and started cataloguing all the motherhood statements they could find. Although it is
amusing to see them resurrecting a range of programs cancelled by the previous Conservative government led by
Stephen Harper, and of which Andrew Scheer was an MP.
Incredibly, this document is actually worse than the current hypocrisy (being both owner and regulator for the
Trudeau-Morneau pipeline) just foisted on us by the federal Liberal
government in their approval (again) of the TMX pipeline, where funding for future climate change mitigation and
adaptation projects will be dependent on this $15 BILLION debacle generating profits.
2019.06.06 - [dead link:]
Ten Carbon Capture and Air Quality Platforms Designed to Reduce Carbon Emissions (EE Times)
2019.06.06 - [dead link:]
Open Borders Must Be Part of Any Response to the Climate Crisis (The Nation)
2019.06.02 - [dead link:]
In April 2019, Plug-In EV Car Sales In Europe Increased 30% (InsideEVs)
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
You can find many earlier postings related to climate change at:
Keith's List Archive and
the Sustainable Biofuel List Mail Archive.
I present a lot of information in this blog and on this website. If you need some help sorting through the
noise level and getting a forward-looking, proactive approach to climate change for your business, I can do
that work for you via my consulting business. Contact