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Catastrophic Climate Change: We Caused It; We're Going to Have to Fix It.

Don't Give in to Despair

The 'gloom-and-doomers' might want to make you give up. In my view, although I think we're in for a rough ride for the next 30-50 years, I believe we have the smarts and ability to fix the mess we have made. If I did not, I would not have spent my time putting this site together for you.

This book [dead link: https://www.thenation.com/article/a-new-book-on-the-climate-crisis-makes-the-persuasive-case-that-were-not-doomed/] Drawdown (2017) says we're not doomed, and includes a wide range of actions we can take to avert the worst that catastrophic climate change could bring our way. (Online, visit Drawdown.org.) There are other sources for things you can do to make a positive difference going forward. However, the key is that you have to act, and not leave all the heavy lifting to others.

Your planet. Your future. Your call.

If you're looking for some less intense and more personal things to do to reduce your GHG emissions contribution, check out the calendar with a tip per day. It's cool to start slow and small. It's not cool to not start.

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Understand, Support and Benefit from a Feebate for GHG Emissions

Personal Transportation


General Energy Use

Green the Grid

Tell Your Elected Representatives to Remove Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Plastic Pollution

Algae Blooms

Albedo Effect

Dark Snow

Waste Heat

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