Catastrophic Climate Change: Cutting Your GHG Emissions in May.
The objective of the monthly tips pages is to provide ideas, experience and inspiration
on how individuals can make changes to reduce their own climate change impaact, and also
collaborate to foster positive change. This has been built up over a few years, so some
items are dated, but many are just intended to be of value year after year and particularly
for those who discover this site after 2010.
Sell in May and go away.
- Investment market saying
May 1st
(2019)The Canadian federal government electric vehicle (EV) purchase incentive took effect.
You can get up to $5000 back from Transport Canada if you purchase and electric vehicle now,
while funds last. Businesses and other other organizations can collect multiple rebates per year.
May 2nd
May 3rd
May 4th
May 5th
May 6th
(2019)After rising too early, I was delivered by electric car to the train station, and took the
train to Quebec City to attend the annual national electric vehicle conference. Such a
civilized way to travel. As you are likely aware, passenger trains in North America are
largely electric drive transportation, using either overhead wires or on-board diesel
generators to supply the electricity which actually powers the locomotives.
No airport security hassles, no road rage, seats with actual legroom, free WiFi and meal and beverage
service, it makes travel much more tolerable.
May 7th
According recent studies in Canada, about a quarter of our GHG emissions from from light duty
vehicles in the road transportation sector. Another quarter comes from producing the fossil
fuels we use to power most of our on-road vehicle fleet. Electric vehicles charged from a 'green'
grid can address HALF our national GHG emissions. So, if we were to take on a single change to
make the biggest difference, that is an exciting place to start.
May 8th
(2019)At the electric vehicle conference, there were awards presented to the City of Montreal and the City of
Kingston for their vision and leadership in reducing GHG emissions and enabling the use of
plug-in vehicles as part of that. As a resident of Ottawa, it left me disappointed in my
city's lack of progress on these issues. I guess the positive in that is that while my city
is not embracing climate change action, there are now 2 cities within the one-charge range of
our Nissan Leaf EV which are, and offer friendly recharging facilities to entice me to go there.
May 9th
Spent the morning cementing connections and saying goodbyes, then back to the train station
for the trip home. Relaxing, convenient and I caught up on a lot of e-mail while contemplating
how I can help accelerate the adoption of more electric vehicles in places like BC, MB, ON, QC, NB
and PEI which have very little electrical generation from fossil carbon fuels already. To make
the perfect ending to the day, I was picked up and delivered home by electric car.
Here's a piece I wrote a few years ago jfor the organization hosting the conference about the
state of Canada's grid and how it can
support bringing more EVs onto our roads.
May 10th
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 14th
May 15th
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 19th
May 20th
May 21st
May 22nd
May 23rd
May 24th
May 25th
May 26th
May 27th
May 28th
May 29th
May 30th
May 31st