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Catastrophic Climate Change: Cutting Your GHG Emissions in October.

The objective of the monthly tips pages is to provide ideas, experience and inspiration on how individuals can make changes to reduce their own climate change impaact, and also collaborate to foster positive change. This has been built up over a few years, so some items are dated, but many are just intended to be of value year after year and particularly for those who discover this site after 2010.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
- Pogo (Walt Kelly for Earth Day 1970)

October 2

Food Preservation and Storage (18). 4) Mechanical refrigeration techniques

October 1

Food Preservation and Storage (17). Natural strategies requiring freezing (high level natural cooling) * Seasonal storage outdoors in animal-proof containment, where feasible. Do not underestimate the power of bears or intelligence of raccons or just how small insects can be when designing your 'animal-proof' containment.)

October 1st

I owe you one. Spent the day picking up parts for the electric tractors. Had to buy gasoline to complete the trip. On the plus side, it's the first time I have bought gasoline since December 11 last year, and the parts mean our zero-emissions electric tractors will be available to do more work.

October 2nd

I owe you another one. Spent the day today chipping ice and doing an upgrade on one of the electric tractors.

October 3rd

Contributions will be lighter this month, as I'm writing a couple of papers to present at CIRSIP at the end of May.

October 4th

October 5th

October 6th

October 7th

October 8th

October 9th

October 4th

October 5th

October 6th

October 7th

October 8th

October 9th

October 10th

October 11th

October 12th

October 13th

October 14th

Today, I planted my garden - sort of. For those of you living in tropical climes, that may not seem very impressive. However, here there is about a metre of snow on the ground, 2 metres on the snowbanks. That would give a new meaning to iceberg lettuce. However, yesterday I received a new Aerogarden. So, I have planted 3 heirloom cherry tomato plants and 3 of 6 herbs which came with the unit.

Set-up was easy. No soil required, and importantly for me - no window access required either. Grow lighting is supplied by an array of LEDs, the growing system is essentially hydroponic (with a minor hybrid tweak for the plant cones. Anyway, all seems to work as advertised. And now we wait for germination.

October 15th

October 16th

October 17th

October 18th

I got a little busy, and have not had a look at the Aerogarden since I set it up. Lo, and behold - 2 of the 3 tomato plant pods have sprouted. Water topped up. Now, I'm off to ignore it again for a few days.

October 19th

Yesterday, the Canadian federal government delivered their budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. At 464 pages, it's a bit of a slog. However, there are a few items that might be worth considering. There are about 11 pages related to climate change initiatives, but they're a bit on the fluffy side, do there's not a lot of meat in this area. Still, they have hit a few high profile items, some of which mark dramatic turns in past federal policy and action (more accurately, lack thereof). I'll cover those in a bit more detail in the next few days as some items require some additional fleshing out. It's always a concern when a major financial document uses the phrase: "Program details to follow." But the math says they're looking to boost sales of "zero-emission vehicles" (battery-electric or hydrogen fuel cell - plug-in hybrids and hydrogen combustion are not mentioned) by about 20,000 units a year for three years, starting sometime after October 1 2019. Let's be charitable and colour that as not overly ambitious.

If you want to get a head start, open https://www.budget.gc.ca/2019/docs/plan/budget-2019-en.pdf and head for page 81 (internal numbering - pg 83 of the PDF document).

October 20th

October 21th

October 22th

October 23th

All the plants in the Aerogarden have now sprouted and are doing well. Had to cut back the foliage on the tomato plants a little bit.

October 24th

October 25th

Took the chance today to rake up some leaves. Discoverered some are still embedded in ice. Spring may be a few more days before showing up to melt the remaining ice. But given the amount of snow we had this year, gradual warming is desirable.

October 26th

I'm taking a few days off here because a lot of people are dealing with flooding, one of the early consequences of climate change.

October 27th

If you are not dealing with flooding issues personally, or pitching in to help, take the next few days to contemplate how you would deal with flooding where you live.

October 28th

If you are truly in a situation immune to flooding, contemplate one of the other climate emergency issues you could be facing, and how you would deal with that.

October 29th

October 30th

October 31st

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