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The blah-blah-blog

As time permits, I'm going to put the esoterica I encounter related to climate change here rather than trying to update the various pages. So this will be in reverse chronological rather than logically organized within the structure of the rest of this website. Please don't rely on this as a consistent and current source for climate change information updates. Sadly, we cannot rely on our corporate-controlled mass media for good information on this, and my time is limited.
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The 10n10 Catastophic Climate Change Blog - January 2023

2023.01.31 Why do corporations use gaslighting against science? Because the science of climate change threatens their business, says Gerald Kutney.

Climate science is a victim of gaslighting (National Observer)

2023.01.31 Coastal GasLink: unaffordable environmentally, socially and financially - more cost overruns.

Estimated cost of Coastal GasLink pipeline surges to $14.5-billion (Globe & Mail)

2023.01.30 Remember, Toyota won the PNGV wars with the Prius, and it was a long time before they recovered those costs.

Why Toyota spent years behaving like electric cars were the enemy (National Observer)

2023.01.30 Good news! (not) We have another 10-12 years before climaate change oblivion! So, our governments still won't take it seriously. Sigh.

World likely to hit key warming threshold in 10 to 12 years. That’s what new AI modelling sees (National Observer)

2023.01.30 Cryptocurrency isn't just a hot-bed for corruption, unregulated shadow exchanges and enabling criminal enterprises. It's also an energy-suck.

Cryptocurrency’s Energy Consumption Problem (Rocky Mountain Institute)

2023.01.29 Two important things to know: a) CCUS - Carbon Capture, Utilization and STORAGE is not sequestration; it's a path to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and rejuvenating old gas wells; b) methane is at least as potent a GHG now as carbon dioxide.

Carbon Sequestration (For Dummies) (Clean Technica)

2023.01.28 How a 'blizzard of false information' undermines the threat of climate change

Why don't we talk about acid rain and the ozone hole anymore? Scientists debunk misinformation (CBC)

2023.01.27 Developing a discerning eye and taking time to research can help you get a better idea of what’s true — and what’s not — in the fashion world.

‘Vegan,’ ‘sustainable’: How to spot misleading fashion claims (Washington Post)

2023.01.27 One key thing most of us can do to reduce climate change is use less fossil energy in our living spaces, or even survivable in the event of a severe weather event. Of course, that's going to take some pioneering spirit and courage, because building codes, insurers and government programs are not doing their part to help.

Why your home isn’t built to last against extreme weather (The Globe & Mail)

2023.01.26 You could see Covid-19 as an empathy test.

Who was prepared to suffer disruption and inconvenience for the sake of others, and who was not?
We are all playing Covid roulette. Without clean air, the next infection could permanently disable you (The Guardian)

2023.01.24 Greenhushing can now be linked to businesses that are trying to falsely appear more sustainable, but are unable or unwilling to share the data and proof to fully back these claims

What is ‘greenhushing’ and why is it a risk for sustainability professionals? (edie)

2023.01.23 Somehow, pumping a carcinogenic GHG into our homes seems like a bad idea - unless you get paid to do it.

Gas Stove Dangers 'Well Known' Since 1839, Industry Acknowledged in 1907 (Daily KOS)

2023.01.21 How is piping natural gas into our homes a culture war?

The burning truth behind gas stoves — and how it fanned the flames of a culture war (Toronto Star)

2023.01.20 Provincial governments should not be permitted to undermine nationwide greenhouse gas reduction regulations

The latest dangerous instalment in Scott Moe’s crusade against Ottawa (National Observer)

2023.01.18 Sure, gas stoves are bad for your family's health, but you should keep them so natural gas revenues are maintained.

Why gas stoves matter to the climate – and the gas industry: Keeping them means homes will use gas for heating too (The Conversation)

2023.01.16 "Fossil fuels are relatively inefficient, requiring 10% of their energy to extract and process them, and up to two thirds of the available energy is lost in thermodynamic losses. Renewable technologies offer greater efficiencies. An electric vehicle uses about one quarter of the amount of energy as an internal combustion engine, solar is 2.5 times more efficient than coal, and a heat pump uses three times less energy than a gas generator."

But this does not stop Canada's big banks from continuing to make massive dead-end loans to the fossil fuels industry, or the Canadian government from guaranteeing those loans. But somehow, we're supposed to believe the Canadian government is serious about reducing GHG emissions and eliminating subsidies to this massively profitable sector.

Fossil fuels already peaked, growth in renewables exponential (pv magazine)

2023.01.14 To answer the question in the headline for this article: NO!

'We're still on the bunny slopes': As 2023 kicks off, is Canada's climate change plan aggressive enough? (CTV)
Ironically, the bunny slopes are usually the first ones to lose their snow due to warmer winters.

2023.01.13 This won't come as news to long time readers at this site.

Exxon accurately predicted climate change in the 70s: Which other fossil fuel giants knew the risks? (euronews.green)

2023.01.13 CBC's coverage on the same story (above).

Exxon Mobil accurately predicted global warming since 1970s, study finds (CBC)

2023.01.13 This should provide the proof you need that the annual schmooze-fests for the Confernce of the Parties (COP) to the Paris Agreement and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) has been an oil industry sponsored farce for years.

‘Horror at the whole situation’ after UAE oil magnate tapped to lead next UN climate conference (National Observer)

2023.01.13 This was a voice of climate change denial, and it did real damage by enabling others

George Pell saw climate science as a dangerous religious dogma – in the end his hardline stance held the church back (The Guardian)

2023.01.08 Not even counting traumatic injuries from storm events or impacts from disrupted supply lines ...

Dr. Kevin Liang calls climate change the biggest threat to everyone’s healthn (National Observer)

2023.01.09 Despite years of price-gouging, getting free passes on decommissioning old wells and massive, growing subsidies from the Canadian government, this industry still can't clean up an oil spill., let alone figure out how to prevent them.

Investigation: Oil giants who ‘make more money than God’ lobbied the federal government and got $2.6 billion in taxpayer dollars (National Observer)

CCUS, where the 'S' is for storage, not sequestration, is actually another subsidy, as the captured gases - including carbon dioxide - are then used (the 'U' in CCUS is utilization) to increase pressure in old oil and gas wells, to get more hydrocarbons out. Not only does this result in more GHGs being released into the atmosphere, but a significant amount of the carbon dioxide injected into the fields is also brought back out with the oil, gas and produced water.

2023.01.08 Explore the mission to answer oceanography questions in a new Atlantic Voice documentary

Meet the scientists and their underwater drones tackling the 'weirdly complicated' world of ocean carbon (The Guardian)

2023.01.07 Wheat supplies one-fifth of the calories humans consume on Earth, and it is threatened by climate change

‘Holy grail’ wheat gene discovery could feed our overheated world (CBC)

2023.01.06 You may know carbon contamination of the snowpack by another name - 'dark snow'. It increases the rate of snowpack and glacier melt, accelerating cliimate change. That's why the Alberta government won't release this data.

Alberta government refuses to release data on snowpack contamination from coal mines (National Observer)

2023.01.04 This is a scientific paper about a project which extracts carbon dioxide from ocean water and actually SEQUESTERS it as calcium and magnesium carbonates, minerals which normally occur in the oceans and on the seafloor, and are buiding blocks for seashells, coral and limestone.

Electrolytic seawater mineralization and how it ensures (net) carbon dioxide removal (ChemRxiv)

I admit some of this is beyond my expertise, but what I have read seems logical. The process even produces hydrogen, which is used on-board the barge.

for a more layperson-friendly version, see this newsletter account Boiling Point - Could removing carbon from the ocean be a climate change solution?

Past blog pages:
2019: May    June    July    August    September    October    November    December   
January    February    March    April    May    June    July [COVID gap]
2021: October-December
2022: January-February    March    April    May-August    September    October    November-December
2023: January    February    March-April    May-July    August-September    October-November    December
2024: January    February    March    April    May   

You can find many earlier postings (going back to year 2000) related to climate change at:
Keith's List Archive and
the Sustainable Biofuel List Mail Archive.

I present a lot of information in this blog and on this website. If you need some help sorting through the noise level and getting a forward-looking, proactive approach to climate change for your business, I can do that work for you via my consulting business. Contact

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