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The blah-blah-blog

As time permits, I'm going to put the esoterica I encounter related to climate change here rather than trying to update the various pages. So this will be in reverse chronological rather than logically organized within the structure of the rest of this website. Please don't rely on this as a consistent and current source for climate change information updates. Sadly, we cannot rely on our corporate-controlled mass media for good information on this, and my time is limited.
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The 10n10 Catastophic Climate Change Blog - March-April 2023

2023.04.25 US climate envoy says existing measures, such as shift to renewable energy, must be deployed faster to stop global warming

John Kerry: relying on technology to remove carbon dioxide is ‘dangerous’ (The Guardian)

2023.04.24 Self-reporting never seems to work, but it took a U.S. agency to blow the whictle on this Alberta emissions cover-up

Oilsands emissions could be underestimated by current measuring methods, study says (CTV News)
Funny how this reminds me of a similar headline from 4 years ago:
Wildly Underestimated Oilsands Emissions Latest Blow to Alberta’s Dubious Climate Claims (The Tyee)

2023.04.21 Why is it that as a species, we are so intent on cooking ourselves?

April Heatwave Breaks Records Across Asia, Claiming Lives and Prompting School Closure (Earth.org)

2023.04.21 Ontario greenwashing electricicity generation from natural gas. So many things wrong with this story. This is carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCUS), not sequestration. The kinds of abandoned gas and oil wells they talk about are what caused the explosion in Wheatley, Ontario in 2021, so they leak, and won't contain the carbon dixoide for geologic time. The solutions won't be in place by 2030, when we need them. But it is another bone for the oil and gas industry thrown by Doug Ford

Doug Ford opens door to storing CO2 underground to help hit climate change targets

2023.04.21 Reduing food waste and creating a circular economy to reduce costs and GHG emissions

Brothers aim to solve American catastrophe through innovative business model: ‘It has to be profitable for each stakeholder’ (The Cooldown)

2023.04.20 The charging capacity for big EVs is quantity can be built as the big EVs arrive

Enough Public Charging for Higher EU Truck CO2 Targets, Analysis Finds (CleanTechnica)
There were no gas stations before the gasoline cars showed up. Battery re-use and re-cycling facilties are appeering as the used EV batteries are starting to appear. The EV charging infrastructure is being installed to keep pace with EVs arriving on the scene, even though about 80% of EV charging in Canada and the U.S. is done at home, because that's less expensive for the vehicle owner than using charging stations. It is curious that corporate-owned media don't seem at all concerned about the lack of hydrogen refueling infrastructure while touting the supposed inevitability of massive numbers of hydrogen vehicles on our roads in the near future.

2023.04.13 A technology which extracts carbon dioxide from ocean water and actually SEQUESTERS it as calcium and magnesium carbonates, minerals which normally occur in the oceans and on the seafloor, and are buiding blocks for seashells, coral and limestone.

Boiling Point - Could removing carbon from the ocean be a climate change solution? (LA Times)

2023.04.13 Speaking of easy methane emissions reduction solutions that would make money ...

Wasted natural gas pollutes the air and robs Louisiana of millions in tax revenue, report says (Nola.com)
Save the gas industry money, provide more product to sell, save taxpayers money, reduce potent GHG emissions, improve air quality - and yet the gas industry continues to fight measures to reduce fugitive emissions. That's not good business, it's megalomania.

2023.04.12 If you're tired of me sounding the alarm about methane emissions, imagine how tired I am to keep doing it while governments continue to ignore the problem and easy solutions.

UK still well off track on pledge to cut methane emissions, study says (The Guardian)

2023.04.07 Save this one for when you have time for some sobering thoughts.

Personally, I still think the core issues can be solved, but we do need to take a wholistic view of the systems that support our current and proposed societal structures. There are some things we really do need to think about before making bet-the-planet decisions. Most of this isn't new information, but we ignore it at our future peril. Lessons are available to be learned before simply repeating the same mistakes.

The Rising Chorus of Renewable Energy Skeptics (The Tyee)

2023.03.28 Wrong headline: Flagging because this borders on being EV disinfo by implying general case and can be interpreted as a household hazard

Stanford study warns against charging electric cars at home overnight (Brighter Side News)
But here's the thing, the issue isn't about charging at home, and the 'overnight' is a sloppy characterization of interstate power wheeling specific to California's unusual green power electricity generation by time of day. California, due to past action, has a significant amount of electric generation from solar, which produces most during sunny afternoons. As a result, the electrical utilities there would like to shift more electricity demand to the periods of peak solar generation. Which is not at night. That's the real story here. However, if you have EV in California, figure out for yourself when the cost of electricity is lowest for you, and charge then if it works for your schedule. What matters is that you get the transportation you control off fossil fuels.

2023.03.27 Note the implications for geologic carbon storage. For consequences, research Lake Nyos & Lake Monoun carbon dioxide releases.

Alberta’s Oil Patch Regulator Changes Tune on Earthquakes (The Tyee)
After saying Peace River temblors were natural, AER blames Obsidian Energy, raising big questions.

2023.03.24 So Alberta says the federal government has to give them more money, but they don't even spend what they get now

Alberta may have to return $130M in unspent federal funding for oil and gas well cleanup (CBC)
Leaking methane and carbon dioxide from abandoned wells are a source of GHG emissions, and an easy fix. Can also be cheaper if they shift to modern tools instead of 'scoop and move'.

2023.03.20 A dangerous climate threshold is near, but ‘it does not mean we are doomed’ if swift action is taken, scientists say

World is on brink of catastrophic warming, U.N. climate change report says (Washington Post)

2023.03.19 If you want to invest in climate mitigation, the oil industry would like to take your money by pretending they are good corporate citizens and actually do what they claim in their ESG propaganda.

Note the Canadian government labels some oilsands (aka tarsands) development as 'green'.
So you want to be a climate-conscious investor. Here's how to avoid greenwashing (CBC)

2023.03.18 Right out of the Big Tobacco playbook: Airline industry claimed science not ‘robust’ enough to implement new controls to combat climate warming caused by vapour trails

Aviation chiefs rejected measures to curb climate impact of jet vapours (The Guardian)

2023.03.13 $30 billion wasted on a pipe to carry a product that Asia doesn't really want.

$30 billion, so far. About $800 per Canadian, so far. Oil industry contribution: zero. Negative if you count the environmental and climate change damage costs they are also dumping on citizens and taxpayers.
If you want to address the federal government deficit and looming recession, start here by ending funding of this charade.
Sadly, this is what 'ending fossil fuel subsidies' - committed to by the Canadian government in 2009 (yes, under Stephen Harper) - looks like in the real world in 2023. Completely incompatible with meeting Canada's climate change targets for 2030. Climate recovery gets the talk; climate suicide pact gets funded.

Canada’s Oil Pipeline To Nowhere Tripling Costs Could Have Built HVDC Across The Country (CleanTechnica)

2023.03.09 EV Naysayers take note: more EV batteries NOT going to landfill

EV battery recycler hits 95% recovery rate in world-first collection program (The Driven)
Lithium-ion Battery Recycler ABTC Expands Operations (Waste 360)

2023.03.08 Buying another gasoline or diesel vehicle now is likely going to be a stranded asset

EV Battery Innovation Spells The End For Fossil Fuel And Fuel Cells (CleanEnergyRevolution)

2023.03.02 Canada joins Russia as climate criminals on oil, gas, and now boreal forest carbon releases

Northern forests released a record amount of carbon dioxide in 2021 (NewScientist)

Past blog pages:
2019: May    June    July    August    September    October    November    December   
January    February    March    April    May    June    July [COVID gap]
2021: October-December
2022: January-February    March    April    May-August    September    October    November-December
2023: January    February    March-April    May-July    August-September    October-November    December
2024: January    February    March    April    May   

You can find many earlier postings (going back to year 2000) related to climate change at:
Keith's List Archive and
the Sustainable Biofuel List Mail Archive.

I present a lot of information in this blog and on this website. If you need some help sorting through the noise level and getting a forward-looking, proactive approach to climate change for your business, I can do that work for you via my consulting business. Contact

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