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Catastrophic Climate Change: Getting Past the Bafflegab

Despite its initial justification of economizing materials and time, the use of abbreviations and acronyms now appears more likely to fulfill the World War II purpose of hiding written information, particularly from the ‘prying eyes’ of scientists, physicians, and researchers.
- Roger A. Burmback

Mission Accomplished!
- George W. Bush

Given that most governments are seeking to hide their complete failure on addressing climate change, there is an almost instinctual drive to hide this behind false targets and a growing collection of acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, buzzwords and mantric phrases.

AESA = Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture (programs)

AIJ = Activities Implemented Jointly

AMG = Analysis & Modeling Group

ARTI = Alberta Reduced Tillage Initiative

AWTS = Atlantic Wind Test Site

BaP = Broad as Practical

BAU = Business As Usual

BPI = Baseline Protection Initiative

CAC = Criteria Air Contaminant(s)

CARC = Canadian Agri-food Research Council

CARD = Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development (fund)

CBIP = Commercial Building Incentive Program

CASA = Clean Air Strategic Alliance

CCAF = Climate Change Action Fund

CCIARN - Climate Change Impacts and Research Network

CCS = Climate Change Secretariat

CDE = Carbon Dioxide Equivalent

CO2 (carbon dioxide) has a factor of 1 (by definition)

CH4 (methane) has a factor of 56 over 20 years, 218-34 (dependin on model and assumptions, previously reported as 21) over 100 years (in other words, a molecule of methane is 34 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide) over a century, but more importantly, 86 times more potent over 20 years and 130 times over 10 years after release into the atmosphere. ( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/waste-agriculture-bigger-climate-problems-than-you-think-bekmann/ ) We may have about 10 years left to get this fixed per the IPCC 2018 report. Methane's GPW10 is 130! Natural gas is mostly methane. Fracking creates fugitive natural gas emissions.

N2O (nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide) has a factor of 310

HFC's (hydrofluorocarbons) range from a factor of 140 to 11,700 depending on the specific chemical

PFC's (perflourocarbons) range from a factor of 6,500 to 9,200 depending on the specific chemical

SF6 (sulphur hexafluoride) has a factor of 23,900

CDM = Clean Development Mechanism

CER = Certified Emissions Reduction

CFC = Chlorofluorocarbon

CHP = Central Heating Plant

CIPEC = Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation

CoP = Conference of the Parties

DET = Domestic Emissions Trading

DETWG = Domestic Emissions Trading Working Group

DSM = Demand Side Management

EDP = Ethanol Development Program

EE = Energy Efficient

EG = Engaged Group

EGH = EnerGuide for Houses

ENGO = Environmental Non-Government Organization

EPA = Environmental Performance Agreements

ERT = Emissions Reduction Trading

ERU = Emissions Reduction Unit

EU = European Union

FCCC = Framework Convention on Climate Change (signed June 1992 at Rio Earth Summit)

FCM = Federation of Canadian Municipalities

F/P/T = Federal, Provincial, Territories

G-77 = Group of 77 (developing countries)

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

GERT = GHG Emissions Reduction Trading (pilot project)

GHG = GreenHouse Gas

GMEF = Green Municipal Enabling Fund

GMIF = Green Municipal Investment Fund

GPS = General Performance Standard

GWP = Global Warming Potential

HCFC = Hydrochlorofluorocarbon

HFC = Hydrofluorocarbon

HOV = High-Occupancy Vehicle

ICCCC = International Climate Change Consultative Committee

IET = International Emissions Trading

IISD = International Institute for Sustainable Development

IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (operates under United Nations umbrella)

IRAP = Industrial Research Assistance Program

JI = Joint Initiative

JMM = Joint Ministers Meeting

LDC = Less Developed Country

LFE = Large Final Emitter

MMTCE = Million Metric Tons of Carbon Equivalents.

MNECB = Model National Energy Code for Buildings

MOST = Moving On Sustainable Transportation

MOU = Memorandum Of Understanding

NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement

NAICC = National Air Issues Coordinating Committee

NAICC-CC = National Air Issues Coordinating Committee for Climate Change

NAPCC = National Action Program on Climate Change

NCCP = National Climate Change Process

NDC = Nationally Determined Contributions

NGO = Non-Government Organization

NSERC = National Science and Engineering Research Council

PEO = Public Education and Outreach

PERD = Program of Energy Research and Development

PERRL = Pilot Emissions Removals, Reductions and Learning (initiative)

PERT = Pilot Emissions Reduction Trading (project)

PFC = Perfluorocarbon

RAD = Reforestation, Aforestation and Deforestation

REDI = Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative

RRAP = Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program

RWIS = Road Weather Information System

SCCC = Soil Conservation Council of Canada

SDTF = Sustainable Development Technology Fund

SME = Small and Medium-size Enterprise

TDM = Transport Demand Management

TEAM = Technology Early Action Measures

TMWG = Targeted Measures Working Group

TPC = Technology Partnerships Canada

TPWG = Tradeable Permits Working Group

UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

VCR = Voluntary Challenge and Registry Inc.

WTO = World Trade Organization

Well, that's a start. If you have a favourite or a puzzler not listed above, please let me know.

Other Sources

Some day. They keep disappearing.

Homage to the information removed by our feckless leaders

Link removed: http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/ago/about/glossary.html The Australian Greenhouse Office Glossary page

Courtesy Harper government, this organization (and website) no longer exist National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy Domestic Emissions Trading Glossary http://www.nrtee-trnee.ca/emissionstrading/en/overview_glossary.htm

Link removed: http://www.fluorocarbons.org/frame.htm?g-info/glossary/glossary.htm The European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee Glossary page

Link removed: http://www.emissionstrading.com/index_glossary.htm The Cantor-Fitzgerald Emissions Trading Glossary

Link removed: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggrpt/glossary.html U.S. Energy Information Administration Greenhouse Gases Glossary

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