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Catastrophic Climate Change: It's Here - Deal With It.

Extra Reading - No Additional Credit

We are not alone in the world. Others have taken up similar challenges.

There are literally hundreds of references now on the subject of climate change (aka global warming), starting from long before The Inconvenient Truth and even the Rio Conference. The trick is sorting out the reality from the spuming of the disinformation machine. My caution to you is, be skeptical, seek truth and be suspicious of those who gain from the continued use of fossil fuels, and especially those who hide their connections to fossil fuels.


There are a growing number of books on the subject of climate change. So many, I can't keep up with reading them or afford to buy all of them. However, I will provide a short list here, and you can make up your own mind.

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
David Wallace-Wells (Penguin Random House) February 2019 320 pages

The Big Stall: How Big Oil and Think Tanks Are Blocking Action on Climate Change in Canada
Donald Gutstein (Lorimer) October 2018 304 pages

A Farewell to Ice
Peter Wadhams ( Penguin Books) February 2017 256 pages

I have read this book and highly recommend it.

Storms of My Grandchilden
James Hansen (Lorimer) December 2010 336 pages

One of the first books on the subject aimed at the lay audience. A solid starting point.

Keeping Our Cool: Canada In A Warming World
Andrew Weaver (Penguin Random House Canada) August 2008 336 pages

I have read and recommend this book.

If you are looking for additional items related to climate change and mitigation spanning a period of years, you could go through (or search) the archives from these email distribution lists.

The Sustainable Organizations Biofuel List (2000-2017)

If you need a thoroughly depressing lens to focus on the reality and future consequences of catastrophic climate change, spend some time at Nature Bats Last. Is he right? Read and make up your own mind. However, I do agree with his leading statement: "Passionately pursue a life of excellence."

If you are still under the impression there is a future for hydrogen as a mainstream fuel, please read The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy for a good review of the topic. Published in 2006, it (sadly) remains very current as we have not moved forward much on our energy behaviour in the past thirty years, let alone in the past decade. The ebook version is just US$6. [Disclosure: I wrote this book, so I think it's pretty good and worth the read. However, some unbiased people also think so, so it might be worth the investment of money and time. It even won a couple of awards. Also, the several cents or dollars a year I get from the royalties after the US IRS finishes with all its withholdings for non-residents goes to a good cause - paying for part of a meal for the author.]

If you really want to go diving into older documents, the Climate Files (tends to focus on Royal Dutch Shell, but does cover a broad range) is an interesting place to spend a few hours.

This 2017 document titled The Climate Emergency by John Scales Avery has a trove of references while providing a brief survey of the topic of climate change (in just 295 pages).

In 2010, the U.S. Congress looked at the topic, and released a 220 page report titled A Rational Discussion of Climate Change: The Science, The Evidence, The Response

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