Because apparently we can't have a website anymore without a blog
The blah-blah-blog
Actually, I post a lot of information related to climate change almost daily elsewhere.
But, as time permits, I'm going to put the esoterica I encounter related to climate change
here rather than trying to update the various pages. So this will be reverse in chronological rather
than logically organized within the structure of the rest of this website. Please don't
rely on this as a consistent and current source for climate change information updates.
Sadly, we cannot rely on our corporate-controlled mass media for good information on this.
I update this site on my own time, and making a living has to take priority.
Past blog pages: May 2019 June 2019
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
Because this is a 'government' that serves foreign oil and gas companies, not its citizens.
Also note the fudging of the entry date in the government online records. One critic refers
to the chain of mis-steps as a 'comedy of errors'. Whether there was calculated malicious
intent or a mind-boggling collection of incompetence by mulitple members of the UCP government,
neither is a good look if you're a resident of Alberta. The exodux of jobs and residents
will continue.
It's about the profits and financial risk. The fossil fuel industry and its investors don't care about
climate change, indigenous rights or the environment.
Draft of Brown study says findings suggest ‘substantial impact of mechanized bots in amplifying denialist messages’
This approach to supporting renewable energy is a sea-change for the WB from just a couple of years ago.
Like the blurb for this item says: "This section is meant as a primer to the world of climate change and
renewable energy. CleanTechnica has posted over 40,000 articles since its inception in 2008. However, reading
all of them would take months, so the following is a distillation of the key pieces of the puzzle."
Likely more than you want to take in at one sitting, but Clean Technica is generally pretty good on facts
and being current, so those who haven't been following climate change and renewable energy intently for
decades, this might be a reasonable starting point to get up to speed with little effort.
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
You can find many earlier postings (going back to year 2000) related to climate change at:
Keith's List Archive and
the Sustainable Biofuel List Mail Archive.
I present a lot of information in this blog and on this website. If you need some help sorting through the
noise level and getting a forward-looking, proactive approach to climate change for your business, I can do
that work for you via my consulting business. Contact