As time permits, I'm going to put the esoterica I encounter related to climate change
here rather than trying to update the various pages. So this will be in reverse chronological rather
than logically organized within the structure of the rest of this website. Please don't
rely on this as a consistent and current source for climate change information updates.
Sadly, we cannot rely on our corporate-controlled mass media for good information on this, and my time is limited.
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
The 10n10 Catastophic Climate Change Blog - May to August 2022
2022.07.26 Shifting to renewables is smart and cost-effective; the dumb grid is a barrier to using them well
Wasted energies – why we’re getting renewables wrong and how to fix it
2022.06.15 Subsidized fossil natural gas was never justification enough for the methane and CO2 emissions
Cheap Gas Fired Power Begins to Unravel
2022.06.15 Most Canadian homes are not built to deal with extreme heat (which is coming)
Building code changes could take decades to 'future-proof' homes for extreme heat that's here now
2022.06.09 No lack of contenders for the lamest 'zero-emisisons' energy system these days.
But the common denominators appear to be hydrogen is part of some multi-step process that involves
massive, multiple conversion losses, and some mention that 'green energy' can be the primary
energy source, if we just spend millions on this new 'greatest idea ever' to make it real.
(Pro tip: the minimum threshold is set by off-the-shelf battery storage technology and electric
drive where the system losses starting from green energy (like wind or solar) can be less than 15%.)
Another recent contestent is ammonia as a hydrogen carrier. Ignoring the health hazard of being
around a lot of ammonia, the energy efficiency is a horror. Here's a piece that examines the numbers.
Immaculate Combustion (Doomberg)
2022.06.08 More LNG means more NG production, more NG use and more fugitive methane emissions.
Bad Plan. This is about long-term infrastructure, not about being a 'bridge fuel'. But the great part about this
for the fossil fuels industry is that Canadian taxpayers will pay the bills, shoulder the liabilities,
suffer the climate change impacts and give all the profits to foreign multi-nationals.
Climate Action Tracker issues warning over global ‘gold rush’ for LNG (National Observer)
2022.06.07 No Geo-engineering (or Atmosphere-engineering) without an OFF switch. Period.
Besides, the big issue for the next decade is reducing methane emissions dramatically. CO2 is a
modest GHG by comparison, with a much longer pay-off (because it lasts a long time in the atmosphere).
By contrast, the impact of a methane molecule is over 100 times that of a CO2 molecule, but it's life
in the atmosphere is only a decade. Dropping methane emissions in the near-term gives a chance.
Continuing to focus on CO2 today guarantees we'll cook before the solution takes effect.
The ethics of tinkering with the Earth's atmosphere to tackle climate change (National Observer)
2022.06.02 Despite industry intransigence and government inertia, habitat can be retored
Campbell River estuary is a restoration showcase to save salmon habitat from climate change (National Observer)
2022.06.02 If wetlands are submerged by sea level rise, that's a methane bomb.
Our wetlands are drowning (National Observer)
2022.05.31 Actually, it's Canadian taxpayers taking the risk here, because the banks have a 100%
federal government guarantee they will be compensated if TMX fails to repay the financing.
[dead link:]
Canada’s biggest banks quietly prop up TMX (National Observer)
2022.05.29 Oil companies will need to release emissions data because of new U.S. regulation
[dead link:]
The officially disclosed carbon footprints of Canada’s largest oil companies could balloon in size
if tough new climate rules proposed earlier this year by a U.S. regulator come into effect. (Verve)
2022.05.28 Will climate change start new resource wars for lands cool enough for us to survive on?
Scientists warn future temperatures will test humans' ability to survive (CBC)
Remember, climate change is only a problem if you want to survive.
2022.05.19 BC Cancelling Major Fossil Fuel Subsidy, to Collect Royalties
B.C. overhauls oil and gas royalty system by changing 'broken system' of subsidies (CBC)
2022.05.19 Ford government's climate policies cost taxpayers more than $10 billion: report
Putting off addressing climate change is costing taxpayers now, as well as much more later. (National Observer)
The "Hot Hot Air" report referenced in the article
2022.05.17 Shut down fossil fuel production sites early to avoid climate chaos, says study
Exclusive: Nearly half existing facilities will need to close prematurely to limit heating to 1.5C, scientists
say (The Guardian)
2022.05.16 Climate change is now on the menu at seafood restaurants
Restaurant menus across the West Coast of Canada will soon see an influx of squid and sardine dishes,
while the popular sockeye salmon makes a slow exit. As it turns out, climate change may have something
to do with this. (The Conversation)
2022.05.22 Climate change is going to make it harder to feed the human population.
The kids are not ok (Medium)
2022.05.09 Note that RBC is one the world's largest financers of fossil fuel production
EV batteries already deliver long range and quick charging times, and new silicon-lithium
technology will bump those performance markers up to the next level. (CleanTechnica)
Past blog pages:
2019: May June
July August
September October
November December
2020: January February
March April
May June
July [COVID gap]
2021: [COVID gap] October-December
2022: January-February March
April May-August
September October
2023: January February
March-April May-July
August-September October-November
2024: January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
You can find many earlier postings (going back to year 2000) related to climate change at:
Keith's List Archive and
the Sustainable Biofuel List Mail Archive.
I present a lot of information in this blog and on this website. If you need some help sorting through the
noise level and getting a forward-looking, proactive approach to climate change for your business, I can do
that work for you via my consulting business. Contact